November 8, 2023
Wednesday | 24 Hours | Midnight to Midnight
Goal: 10,000 gifts
Alyssa Roberts | | 865-974-4605
Wednesday | 24 Hours | Midnight to Midnight
Alyssa Roberts | | 865-974-4605
Big Orange Give is the university’s day of giving. A 24-hour online challenge for alumni, friends, parents, students, faculty, staff, and fans to support Rocky Top.
Your work as a Big Orange Give ambassador makes a big difference. You help bring in more support for the people, places, and programs you love most at UT. Follow the timeline and suggestions here to help us set a new record day of giving for UT. Let’s get started!
The You+2 campaign challenges you to make a gift of any amount and recruit at least two others to donate as well. When you reach this goal, you will receive an EXCLUSIVE UT travel mug to show your pride and our appreciation all winter.
Access your unique ambassador dashboard to track personal fundraising goals with real-time updates about how much money you raise and who is giving.
Ambassadors who served last year will need to re-register their dashboard.
Go to:
You can create an account to log into your dashboard with your email address and a password. Please use the email address that you have previously shared with us; otherwise, we may not know it’s you! Now you are ready to log in and view the names of those who have given using the link you have shared with others.
If you forget your password, you can request a reset code be sent to your email address. You can find the link to reset just below the “Log In” button.
You will not be able to register your dashboard until you receive your unique URL. If you have not received your URL by November 6, please email Alyssa Roberts at
Dear [recipient’s preferred name],
I hope that you’re doing well! [Insert a relevant or personal anecdote].
Today is Big Orange Give, the University of Tennessee’s 24-hour day of giving. Now, more than ever, we need to support our Vols. This year, Big Orange Give is reaching for a goal of 10,000 for people, places, and programs at UT.
I am raising funds to help current and future Vols, and could really use your support. A gift of any amount would help. You can make a donation by clicking my personal fundraising link: [AMBASSADOR’S UNIQUE LINK]. If you are on social media, follow #BigOrangeGive all day to watch the fun and progress.
Thank you in advance for your support. Go Vols!
[Your name]
Hi, this is [Name]. Today is Big Orange Give, the University of Tennessee’s 24-hour day of giving.
I am raising funds to help current and future Vols, and could really use your support. A gift of any amount would help us toward today’s goal. You can make a gift on UT’s Big Orange Give website by going to [AMBASSADOR’S UNIQUE LINK].
Feel free to call [or text] me if you have questions about Big Orange Give or how to donate. Talk to you soon.
Today is Big Orange Give, the University of Tennessee’s 24-hour day of giving. I am raising funds to help current and future Vols and could really use your support. You can make a gift at [AMBASSADOR’S UNIQUE LINK]. Thanks!